Elements, Compounds, Solutions, Mixtures
For the 8th grade chemistry classes' upcoming unit on elements and compounds, I gathered the following resources.
For the 8th grade chemistry classes' upcoming unit on elements and compounds, I gathered the following resources.
Review Law of Conservation of Mass
- Lavosier's apparatus
- On BrainPOP
- Hypothetical pathway of a carbon atom through an ecosystem
- Definition, Quiz, PowerPoint
- Law of Conservation of Energy and Mass for Kids
Synthesis and Decomposition
- 4 Types of Chemical Reactions
- Difference Between Synthesis and Decomposition
- PowerPoint Lesson
- Synthesis and Decomposition Reactions Worksheet
Synthesis of Zinc Chloride
- Lab
- The lab on Youtube
- Synthesis of Zinc Chloride Lab: Printable
- Lab report PowerPoint
- Zinc Chloride
Coping with Copper
- Properties and uses
- Lab
- BBC Combustion
- Incomplete/Reversible reaction
- Complete and Incomplete Combustion
- Difference Between Complete and Incomplete Combustion
- Types of Chemical Reactions
- BBC: Conservation of Mass and Precipitation Reactions