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Monday, January 23, 2012

1-23-2012 Integrating Environmental Issues and Earth Science

Continuing my way through the standards, offering links, lessons, and ideas to help teach the 
Core Curriculum Content Standards
Science Grades 6-8
5.4 Earth Systems Science: All students will understand that Earth operates as a set of complex, dynamic, and interconnected systems, and is a part of the all-encompassing system of the universe.

G. Biogeochemical Cycles: The biogeochemical cycles in the Earth systems include the flow of microscopic and macroscopic resources from one reservoir in the hydrosphere, geosphere, atmosphere, or biosphere to another, are driven by Earth's internal and external sources of energy, and are impacted by human activity.
By the end of grade
Content Statement
Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI)


Circulation of water in marine environments is dependent on factors such as the composition of water masses and energy from the Sun or wind.


Illustrate global winds and surface currents through the creation of a world map of global winds and currents that explains the relationship between the two factors.

  1. Earth's Water
  2. What Causes Tides?
  3. What Causes the Tides?
  4. Convection
  5. Ocean Remote Sensing
  6. Ocean Currents
  7. Go With the Flow Game
  8. Water Encyclopedia
  9. Ocean Currents and Climate
  10. Ocean Surface Currents
  11. Picturing the Gulf Stream
  12. Ocean Current Map
  13. Wind
  14. What is Climate?
  15. Climate - Earth Systems
  16. Surface Data
  17. Environmental Science Animations
  18. Climate Change
  19. UK Environmental Change Network
  20. Biomes on Earth
  21. Biomes of the World
  22. World Biomes
  23. Exploring Ecosystems
  24. Ecology
  25. Changes in the Environment
  26. The Environment
  27. ARKive: Life on Earth
  28. Clean Energy
  29. NJ Water Sources
  30. Forest to Faucet
  31. SHOUT
  32. GEH Watershed Assoc.
  33. NEA Green Schools
  34. Conversations with the Earth
  35. Climate History
  36. EcoFriend
  37. Prairie Dogs Under Pressure
  38. Kilimanjaro Snowcap
  39. Natural and Human Induced Hazards
  40. Environmental Quality
  41. Deep Oil
  42. Ecological Footprint
  43. EOL Human Impact
  44. DLESE Environmental Science Lessons
  45. EPA
  46. Environmental Health Science


An ecosystem includes all of the plant and animal populations and nonliving resources in a given area. Organisms interact with each other and with other components of an ecosystem.


Create a model of ecosystems in two different locations, and compare and contrast the living and nonliving components.


Personal activities impact the local and global environment.


Describe ways that humans can improve the health of ecosystems around the world.


Water in the oceans holds a large amount of heat, and therefore significantly affects the global climate system.


Represent and explain, using sea surface temperature maps, how ocean currents impact the climate of coastal communities.


Investigations of environmental issues address underlying scientific causes and may inform possible solutions.


Investigate a local or global environmental issue by defining the problem, researching possible causative factors, understanding the underlying science, and evaluating the benefits and risks of alternative solutions.

Please post a comment below if you have a site or lesson idea to share for teaching these concepts.  I would love your input!

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