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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

4-3-2012 Teching the US History CCCS 1754-1820s

United States History
Revolution and The New Nation 1754-1820s
Content Area
Social Studies
6.1 U.S. History: America in the World: All students will acquire the knowledge and skills to think analytically about how past and present interactions of people, cultures, and the environment shape the American heritage. Such knowledge and skills enable students to make informed decisions that reflect fundamental rights and core democratic values as productive citizens in local, national, and global communities.
Revolution and the New Nation (1754-1820s)
Grade Level
By the end of grade 8
Content Statement
Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI)
3. Revolution and the New Nation

Disputes over political authority and economic issues contributed to a movement for independence in the colonies.

The fundamental principles of the United States Constitution serve as the foundation of the United States government today
A. Civics, Government, and Human Rights
Examine the ideals found in the Declaration of Independence, and assess the extent to which they were fulfilled for women, African Americans, and Native Americans during this time period.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the fundamental principles of the Constitution (i.e., consent of the governed, rule of law, federalism, limited government, separation of powers, checks and balances, and individual rights) in establishing a federal government that allows for growth and change over time.
Determine the role that compromise played in the creation and adoption of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Compare and contrast the Articles of Confederation and the UNITED STATES Constitution in terms of the decision-making powers of national government.
Determine why the Alien and Sedition Acts were enacted and whether they undermined civil liberties.
Explain how political parties were formed and continue to be shaped by differing perspectives regarding the role and power of federal government.
Evaluate the impact of the Constitution and Bill of Rights on current day issues.
B. Geography, People, and the Environment
Assess how conflicts and alliances among European countries and Native American groups impacted the expansion of the American colonies.
Determine the extent to which the geography of the United States influenced the debate on representation in Congress and federalism by examining the New Jersey and Virginia plans.
Use maps and other geographic tools to evaluate the impact of geography on the execution and outcome of the American Revolutionary War.
Explain why New Jersey’s location played an integral role in the American Revolution.
C. Economics, Innovation, and Technology
Explain how taxes and government regulation can affect economic opportunities, and assess the impact of these on relations between Britain and its North American colonies.
Summarize the effect of inflation and debt on the American people and the response of state and national governments during this time.
Evaluate the impact of the cotton gin and other innovations on the institution of slavery and on the economic and political development of the country.
D. History, Culture, and Perspectives
Explain how the consequences of the Seven Years War, changes in British policies toward American colonies, and responses by various groups and individuals in the North American colonies led to the American Revolution.
Explain why the Declaration of Independence was written and how its key principles evolved to become unifying ideas of American democracy.
Analyze the impact of George Washington as general of the American revolutionary forces and as the first president of the United States.
Analyze how prominent individuals and other nations contributed to the causes, execution, and outcomes of the American Revolution.
Examine the roles and perspectives of various socioeconomic groups (e.g., rural farmers, urban craftsmen, northern merchants, and southern planters), African Americans, Native Americans, and women during the American Revolution, and determine how these groups were impacted by the war.
Analyze from multiple perspectives how the terms of the Treaty of Paris affected United States relations with Native Americans and with European powers that had territories in North America.
Evaluate the extent to which the leadership and decisions of early administrations of the national government met the goals established in the Preamble of the Constitution.

  1. Washington Crossing the Delaware
  2. Battles of the American Revolution
  3. US History on Shmoop
  4. Civics on Shmoop
  5. Who Wants to be President? Infographic
  6. Interactive Lessons on the American Revolution
  7. Center for Civic Education
  8. Scholastic Civics
  9. Financial Infographics
  10. Monticello Explorer
  11. Interactive Flag
  12. The American Revolution and Its Era- Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies, 1750-1789
  13. Revolutionary War Animated
  14. The American Revolution
  15. Democracy Kids
  16. The French and Indian War
  17. Liberty
  18. Declaration of Independence
  19. Declare the Causes
  20. Constitution Lesson
  21. Constitution Day
  22. Bill of Rights Tutorial
  23. Teaching the Bill of Rights
  24. BORDC
  25. BOR Teacher Notes
  26. You Mean I've Got Rights?
  27. Articles of Confederation vs. Constitution
  28. Defending the Homeland
  29. The Alien and Sedition Acts
  30. Shmoop: Political Parties
  31. American Political Parties
  32. The Democracy Project
  33. Manifest Destiny
  34. Best of History Websites
  35. Napoleonic War's Impact on US
  36. EHow: Monroe Doctrine
  37. Treaty of Paris
  38. VA vs. NJ Plans PDF
  39. VA vs. NJ Chart
  40. A Hot Summer in 1787 ThinkQuest
  41. Geography and the Revolution
  42. NJ in the American Revolution
  43. NJ During the Revolution
  44. Crossroads of the American Revolution
  45. Battles and Skirmishes in NJ
  46. America's First Crisis
  47. NJ History Partnership
  48. Causes of Conflict
  49. SS for Kids: Causes of the Revolutionary War
  50. Experience the Revolution
  51. The Age of Revolution
  52. Prelude to Revolution
  53. Boston Tea Party
  54. H.S.I.: The Boston Massacre
  55. Boston Massacre Webquest
  56. Fact, Fiction, or Bad Memory
  57. Bostonian Society
  58. No Taxation Without Representation
  59. Economics of the American Revolution
  60. Prosperity and Protest
  61. Destruction of the Continental
  62. Financing the War
  63. War and Inflation
  64. Entrenchment of Slavery
  65. Slavery in America
  66. Slavery on WikiAnswers
  67. The Cotton Gin
  68. History of the Cotton Gin
  69. Patent for the Cotton Gin
  70. Disaster of Innovation
  71. Tax History Museum
  72. Creating the Presidency
  73. Impact and Legacy
  74. George Washington
  75. The Rule of Law
  76. Personalities of the American Revolution
  77. Voices of the American Revolution Thinkquest
  78. Important People of the American Revolution
  79. Webquest: Exploring Viewpoints of the American Revolution
  80. Native Americans and Revolution
  81. Buried History
  82. PA History and Amer. Revolution
  83. Treaty of Paris and its Impact
  84. Treaty of Paris
  85. Paris Peace Treaty of 1783
  86. Groping Toward Peace
  87. A New Nation
  88. Treaty of Paris Document
  89. Ducksters: The Treaty of Paris

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