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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

5-22-2012 Voting closes on May 31st

I was so inspired after EdCampPhilly that I realized how much I want to go to ISTE this year.  I need your help. Visit this link.  It only takes a minute and your vote will really make a difference.  Thank you so much!


Friday, May 18, 2012

5-18-2012 Teen Sexuality

Teching the CCCS
Comprehensive Health and Physical Education
Grades 5-8
Human Relationships and Sexuality: Sexuality

2.4 Human Relationships and Sexuality: All students will acquire knowledge about the physical, emotional, and social aspects of human relationships and sexuality and apply these concepts to support a healthy, active lifestyle.
      B.   Sexuality
Most significant physical, emotional, and mental growth changes occur during adolescence, but not necessarily at the same rates.
Compare growth patterns of males and females during adolescence.

Responsible actions regarding sexual behavior impact the health of oneself and others.
Summarize strategies to remain abstinent and resist pressures to become sexually active.
Determine behaviors that place one at risk for HIV/AIDS, STIs,HPV, or unintended pregnancy.
Predict the possible physical, social, and emotional impacts of adolescent decisions regarding sexual behavior.
Personal lifestyle habits and genetics influence sexual development as well as overall growth patterns.
Analyze the influence of hormones, nutrition, the environment, and heredity on the physical, social, and emotional changes that occur during puberty.

Responsible actions regarding sexual behavior impact the health of oneself and others.
Determine the benefits of sexual abstinence and develop strategies to resist pressures to become sexually active.
Compare and contrast methods of contraception used by adolescents and factors that may influence their use.
Relate certain behaviors to placing one at greater risk for HIV/AIDS, STIs, and unintended pregnancy.

Discussion of topics regarding sexuality requires a safe, supportive environment where sensitivity and respect is shown toward all.
Discuss topics regarding gender identity, sexual orientation, and cultural stereotyping.

Early detection strategies assist in the prevention and treatment of illness or disease.
Explain the importance of practicing routine healthcare procedures such as breast self-examination, testicular examinations, and HPV vaccine.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

5-17-2012 Raging Teenage Relationships

Teching the CCCS
Comprehensive Health and Physical Education
Grades 5-8
Human Relationships and Sexuality: Relationships

2.4 Human Relationships and Sexuality: All students will acquire knowledge about the physical, emotional, and social aspects of human relationships and sexuality and apply these concepts to support a healthy, active lifestyle.
A. Relationships
Healthy relationships require a mutual commitment.
Compare and contrast how families may change over time.
Analyze the characteristics of healthy friendships and other relationships.
Examine the types of relationships adolescents may experience.
Demonstrate successful resolution of a problem(s) among friends and in other relationships.
Compare and contrast the role of dating and dating behaviors in adolescence.
The values acquired from family, culture, personal experiences, and friends impact all types of relationships.
Predict how changes within a family can impact family members.
Explain how the family unit impacts character development.
Explain when the services of professionals are needed to intervene in relationships.
Differentiate between affection, love, commitment, and sexual attraction.
Determine when a relationship is unhealthy and explain effective strategies to end the relationship.
Develop acceptable criteria for safe dating situations, such as dating in groups, setting limits, or only dating someone of the same age.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

5-16-2012 Dependency, Addiction, and Treatment

Teching the CCCS
Comprehensive Health and Physical Education
Grades 5-8
Drugs and Medicines: Dependency, Addiction, and Treatment

2.3 Drugs and Medicines: All students will acquire knowledge about alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and medicines and apply these concepts to support a healthy, active lifestyle.
C. Dependency/Addiction and Treatment
Substance abuse is caused by a variety of factors.
Summarize the signs and symptoms of a substance abuse problem and the stages that lead to dependency/
Explain how wellness is affected during the stages of drug dependency/
Determine the extent to which various factors contribute to the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs by adolescents, such as peer pressure, low self-esteem, genetics, and poor role models.

There are many ways to obtain help for treatment of alcohol, tobacco, and other substance abuse problems.
Determine effective strategies to stop using alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, and that support the ability to remain drug-free.
Substance abuse is caused by a variety of factors.
Compare and contrast theories about dependency/
addiction (such as genetic predisposition, gender-related predisposition, and multiple risks) and provide recommendations that support a drug free life.

The ability to interrupt a drug dependency/ addiction typically requires outside intervention, a strong personal commitment, treatment, and the support of family, friends, and others.
Summarize intervention strategies that assist family and friends to cope with the impact of substance abuse.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

5-15-2012 Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs

Teching the CCCS
Comprehensive Health and Physical Education
Grades 5-8
Drugs and Medicines: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs

2.3 Drugs and Medicines: All students will acquire knowledge about alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and medicines and apply these concepts to support a healthy, active lifestyle.
B. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
There is a strong relationship between individuals who abuse drugs and increased intentional and unintentional health-risk behaviors.
Explain the system of drug classification and why it is useful in preventing substance abuse.

Relate tobacco use and the incidence of disease.
Compare the effect of laws, policies, and procedures on smokers and nonsmokers.
Determine the impact of the use and abuse of alcohol on the incidence of illness, injuries, and disease, the increase of risky health behaviors, and the likelihood of harm to one’s health.
Determine situations where the use of alcohol and other drugs influence decision-making and can place one at risk.
Summarize the signs and symptoms of inhalant abuse.
Analyze the relationship between injected drug use and diseases such as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis.
There is a strong relationship between individuals who abuse drugs and increased intentional and unintentional health-risk behaviors.
Compare and contrast the physical and behavioral effects of commonly abused substances by adolescents.
Predict the legal and financial consequences of the use, sale, and possession of illegal substances.
Analyze the effects of all types of tobacco use on the aging process.
Compare and contrast smoking laws in New Jersey with other states and countries.
Explain the impact of alcohol and other drugs on those areas of the brain that control vision, sleep, coordination, and reaction time and the related impairment of behavior, judgment, and memory.
Relate the use of alcohol and other drugs to decision-making and risk for sexual assault, pregnancy, and STIs.
Explain the impact of inhalant use and abuse on social, emotional, mental, and physical wellness.
Analyze health risks associated with injected drug use.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

5-14-2012 Medicines in the Home

Teching the CCCS
Comprehensive Health and Physical Education
Grades 5-8
Drugs and Medicines: Medicines

2.3 Drugs and Medicines: All students will acquire knowledge about alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and medicines and apply these concepts to support a healthy, active lifestyle.
A. Medicines
Medicines come in a variety of forms (prescription medicines, over-the-counter medicines, medicinal supplements), are used for numerous reasons, and should be taken as directed in order to be safe and effective.
Compare and contrast short- and long-term effects and the potential for abuse of commonly used over-the-counter and prescription medicines and herbal and medicinal supplements.

Compare information found on over-the-counter and prescription medicines.
Medicines come in a variety of forms (prescription medicines, over-the-counter medicines, medicinal supplements), are used for numerous reasons, and should be taken as directed in order to be safe and effective.
Explain why the therapeutic effects and potential risks of commonly used over-the-counter medicines, prescription drugs, and herbal and medicinal supplements vary in different individuals.
Compare and contrast adolescent and adult abuse of prescription and over-the-counter medicines and the consequences of such abuse.