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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

5-2-2012 Wellness: Personal Growth and Development

Teching the CCCS
Comprehensive Health and Physical Education
Grades 5-8
Wellness: Personal Growth and Development

2.1 Wellness: All students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.
A.   Personal Growth and Development
Staying healthy is a lifelong process that includes all dimensions of wellness.
Explain how health data can be used to assess and improve each dimension of personal wellness.
Relate how personal lifestyle habits, environment, and heredity influence growth and development in each life stage.
Determine factors that influence the purchase of healthcare products and use of personal hygiene practices.
Developing and maintaining wellness requires ongoing evaluation of factors impacting health and modifying lifestyle behaviors accordingly.
Assess and apply health data to enhance each dimension of personal wellness.
Compare and contrast the impact of genetics, family history, personal health practices, and environment on personal growth and development in each life stage.
Relate advances in technology to maintaining and improving personal health.
Determine the impact of marketing techniques on the use of personal hygiene products, practices, and services.

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