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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

5-8-2012 Social and Emotional Health

Teching the CCCS
Comprehensive Health and Physical Education
Grades 5-8
Wellness: Social and Emotional Health
2.1 Wellness: All students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.
E. E. Social and Emotional Health
Social and emotional development impacts all components of wellness.
Examine how personal assets and protective factors support healthy social and emotional development.

Respect and acceptance for individuals regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, socioeconomic background, religion, and/or culture provide a foundation for the prevention and resolution of conflict.
Make recommendations to resolve incidences of school and community conflict, violence, harassment, gang violence, discrimination, and bullying.

Stress management skills impact an individual’s ability to cope with different types of emotional situations.
Compare and contrast ways that individuals, families, and communities cope with change, crisis, rejection, loss, and separation.
Social and emotional development impacts all components of wellness.
Analyze how personal assets, resiliency, and protective factors support healthy social and emotional health.

Respect and acceptance for individuals regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, socioeconomic background, religion, and/or culture provide a foundation for the prevention and resolution of conflict.
Determine the effectiveness of existing home, school, and community efforts to address social and emotional health and prevent conflict.

Stress management skills impact an individual’s ability to cope with different types of emotional situations.
Explain how culture influences the ways families and groups cope with crisis and change.
Compare and contrast stress management strategies that are used to address various types of stress-induced situations.

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